Edguy Biography
The Defenders Of The Heavy Metal Crown are back!
After more than two million discs sold with a usual entry in the Top-10 album charts and sold out shows and headlining tours in 39 countries all over Europe, America, Asia and Australia, Germany‘s “most different“ are back with a vengeance with their tenth studio album “Space Police“.
From Donington to Tokyo, Los Angeles to Rio de Janeiro: in the last 15 years they literally played every significant Heavy Metal stage around the globe.
When Heavy Metal was pronounced dead in the early nineties, a bunch of German kids set out from the middle of nowhere to fight all odds and in doing so conquered the hearts of a whole new generation of fans around the globe.
Never trying to live up to expectations of the music industry, press and fans alike, Germany‘s most successful nineties born Heavy Metal act, paved their way by designing their own cosmos - defined by authenticity, tongues that are firmly planted in cheeks and last but not at least their ongoing love for guitar-driven anthemic powerful music; beyond trends and the pigeonhole of the Heavy Metal archetype.
22 years later, on their tenth album “Space Police“ (produced by Sascha Paeth at Gatestudio Wolfsburg) Edguy continue to make things their way. No other band in the universe could do an authentic cover version of the Falco classic “Rock Me Amadeus“, put it next to the heaviest Power Metal material the band has ever written, sum things up with the self-indulgent anthem “Love Tyger“ and: Get away with it...
Vocalist and main songwriter Tobias Sammet explains:
“You throw in a lot of Metal, heavy guitars, fast drums, catchy melodies, an Austrian Falco cover version, some flamboyant Glam elements, write 9-minute Zeppelinesque epics about the immortality of the soul and then muse over the love-drive of cave-people, you stir it up, record it and put an Evel-Knievel-hotshot-Space-Cop on the cover.
Et voilà: You have an album that every band would be torn to peaces for; unless the band is named Edguy- then it‘s a classic, a perfect killing machine, an exploration of places that no reasonable band would ever dare to go, unless you're equipped with sabre, torch and the balls of a Diplodocus; and you take into consideration to just not give a fuck at all. NOW THAT‘S METAL!“